No Man’s Land

I’ve updated the page for our first comic.  Like most artists just starting out we don’t have a clue!  We are going back and forth between a graphic novel or a five issue run of the story, right now we are sitting at a five issue digital run and then colletor’s print issues to take to cons, and then a graphic novel or tpg at the end.  The first issues are going to be black and white probably and the final product will be in color, probably.  But, we do really know what we’re doing.  Not to worry.  Anyway, to get a little insight into the story go to the No Man’s Land Page and leave comments there to let us know what incredibly successful people we are one day going to be.

Also, follow us on twitter @contendercomics

That’s it.  Carry on.

6 thoughts on “No Man’s Land

  1. I’m a writer. I primarily write comics but can do just about anything with creative writing. Let me know if you could use me in any capacity.

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